Saturday, January 4, 2014

...the Children Were Nestled

...all snug in their beds...
Yes, our grandchildren are nestled in their own beds in Minnesota tonight, after a whirlwind, fun, chaotic at times, week here at Nana's and Pop's. I had tears at their departure, which happens almost every time they leave (used to have tears when our daughters drove off to go back to college or work in distant cities). Still, yes, I have had a peaceful, restful day. Saving organization of Grandkids' Room for tomorrow afternoon. Have to get it ready for grandson Benjamin on Monday, although right now I think he won't come until Tuesday because I'm predicting the minus, below-zero temps will close the schools. (The city has already notified us that trash will not be picked up on Monday. Good decision.)

I did have a good snuggle and hug time with our oldest grandson Hugo. He told me 'Nana, we're going home today but in 2 days I'll come visit you again.' I wish. Or maybe...

So today was restful, peaceful, full of reading, writing, organizing my calendar, doing a few things pre-storm like mix new birdseed and fill all 4 of my bird feeders. You know, important things! Also reminded my FB friends to be sure pets are brought inside (probably preaching to the choir there). This very cold weather is a record breaker, at least in over ten years, we have not had it this cold (predicted cold). The northern plains have it even worse, with 25+ below zero. 

So as I get into my comfortable bed tonight, in my flannel nightgown, and on my flannel sheets, in my warm home, I pray for all those who don't have shelter. I pray for all those who work outside in these conditions. And I give my thanks and praise to God for my blessings of warmth and shelter. 

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