Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hearing my Name

This morning at worship I was an assisting minister. This means I wrote and read the "Prayers of the Day" and my assigned partner read the scripture lessons. An additional duty of assisting ministers is helping serve communion. So it dawned on me that my one-year old grandson had never seen me do this. I wondered what his reaction would be when he came up to the altar with his parents. Well, luckily he didn't see me because I was following the other pastor and didn't serve his parents and him. 

After returning to their seats Benjamin was sitting on his dad's lap. Amazingly then he did see me from where they were sitting further in the back of the sanctuary, and I suddenly hear my name, "Nana, Nana," being called out by him repeatedly. His sweet voice, and his longing look at me brought joy. He kept calling my name out, fairly loud. His dad ended up taking him out to the Narthex for the remainder of communion. When I was done with my duties and returned to my seat, his dad brought him back in, and then Ben put his arms out to me, so I held him, and the sweet little guy laid his head on my shoulder, his way of a hug. Oh how happy this little one-year old makes me. 

Thank you God for our precious grandchildren. Please bless them and keep them safe. And thank you for how they expand our lives.   

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