Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blogging---That's the Question

Recently I have found some wonderful bloggers, inspirational even. Also one blogger who on her own established a home for pregnant girls in Kenya, and then got the support of her online community to share in the initial and ongoing costs. Amazing. That blog is "We are THAT Family" and I have it listed in my blog list. It is worth following and contributing to financially or buy a product from the online store that also supports the home called Mercy House.

So am I really blogging? Real bloggers blog often, almost daily. The exceptional bloggers I've found are excellent writers and have great content to share. And some, as Kristin Welch does, have extra meaning and purpose with a cause or project they support. 

Via "We are THAT Family" I also met and read (and saw in a video) about a blogger (Gitzen Girl) who influenced so many online friends with her joy and inspiration---she suffered a disabling illness that kept her in her apartment and in bed most of the time. She died over a year ago, and now her sister or other family, keep up her blog off and on. 

So back to my question, am I blogging? Really? Whether or not I meet the standards of the "real" bloggers, I will continue to blog, to write my thoughts, to recommend articles or websites, and to share myself for what it's worth. The inspiring bloggers have motivated me to stick with it, to keep on, to just do it. And I plan to do just that. Practice makes...well, better!

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